Natasha is a founding Director of Shorashim Ministries.
She is Jewish and has come to believe (after much research, study and personal experience) that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel and the whole of creation.
She attended London Bible College where she studied for her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Theology. Her vision is:
She is a regular speaker at Conferences and other meetings, as well as offering Passover Demonstrations and teaching on the Biblical Festivals and other aspects of the authentic and Biblical Jewish roots of Christianity.
She has featured regularly on Genesis and Revelation TV with their series of half hour 'Jewish Roots' TV programmes, as well as numerous live interview and call-in talk shows.
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Natasha is a qualified Senior School Teacher in Religious Studies and Critical Thinking and has successfully lead RE departments in UK senior schools. She is also completing a Masters Degree in Messianic Jewish Theology.