This talk focuses on God's plan for "One New Man" (as mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians). Garth looks at how, over the last 40 years or so the Holy Spirit has been sweeping across the Church in the West, bringing a fresh awareness of the prophecies in the Old Testament about the restoration of the Jewish people to their own land in these end times.
In the last 100 years or so we have witnessed the rise of modern Zionism, the Balfour Declaration and British Mandate in Palestine, the rising conflict in the land between Arab and Jew, the
declaration of the Jewish State in 1948, the conquest of Jerusalem in 1967 and the return of Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount for the first time in 1900 years.
The restoration of the Jewish people to their land from around the world in the last days is one of the great themes of biblical prophecy. Isaiah 11 and 60, Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 are just some of the passages that foresee this glorious regathering, first in unbelief to the land and then, once there, in faith to the Lord.
This word has gone out to the Church with remarkable effectiveness in the last decades, and while many believers have seen what God is doing with the eyes of faith, others remain apparently blind or indifferent.
Yet now that the Jewish people are in the Land, we are beginning to see something new, something fresh, something very exciting happening. Jewish people are coming to the Lord, and he is fulfilling his word as he promised. But there is more – the Arab nations around Israel are being affected by this move of God, and many are getting saved.
Garth believes that the Holy Spirit is changing the focus of attention from the restoration of Israel as a single event to the restoration of the Church to himself as the "One New Man".
The Cloud is moving, and we who love Israel and the Jewish people need to pay attention. We have become comfortable, even over-familiar with the word about Israel's restoration, but God does not stand still. We need to move with him to this new phase of his end-time purposes, to the restoration of the Church, his body, Jew and Gentile together, the Bride that He is coming back for.