The rift between a predominantly gentile Church and a Judaism dominated by the Rabbis caused Him to be hidden from the sight of those looking for Him – Jew and Christian alike.
That's why we're known as Shorashim Ministries, because we believe it is time we were all reunited in the original, authentic and biblically Jewish roots of our faith in the Jewish Messiah - hence Shorashim, the Hebrew for 'Roots'.
Just a few decades before the formation of the modern State of Israel, more and more Jewish people started to look at the New Testament. What they found was not a collection of offensive anti-Semitic writings, but a story about a man. A Jew. A man with a familiar resonance with their own beliefs, culture and expectations of the long-awaited Anointed One – their Messiah.
What resulted was a stronger connection between Jesus and His own historical Jewishness. What is happening today is a growing recognition within both Judaism and Christianity that Jesus is not a blue-eyed, blond-haired gentile Christ, but a middle-eastern Jew.
Not only that, but that He was a man who taught about, illustrated, preached, and proclaimed God's sovereign rule. He followed the Torah (teaching and insruction) of God and performed miracles to point the way to His Father in Heaven.
It is our hope and prayer that you will find more about the authentic Jesus through the work of Shorashim Ministries.
Our work is simple:
We believe...