Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"
Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"

King of the Jews

By D Thomas Lancaster

The Christian Yeshua (Jesus) is way off the mark!

Yeshua clearly practised something more closely related to today's Orthodox Judaism (but in an early form) that was far from the Christianity we see today with its pagan influences and lack of understanding of our Hebraic roots.


For instance, he never criticised or corrected Moses; his arguments with others were limited to Halakhah; and where the traditions of the Judaism of his time were in conflict with the Torah, He provided correction - where those traditions did not conflict with God's laws, He had little to say and it appears that He honoured them.


Yeshua upheld every verse of the Torah and the Prophets as He made clear in Matthew 5. He is misunderstood today (as is Paul) because we are unfamiliar with the culture of His time. But those listening to Him did understand.


Those today who are interested in understanding the Yeshua (Jesus) of the Scriptures will profit by this book as Lancaster does a masterful job in this volume.


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