Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"
Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"

Understanding the Signs of the Times in 2014

Knowing the signs of the times, with special guest speaker, Akin Smith

Our special guest speaker in March 2014 was Akin Smith - a man of God with a powerful prophetic understanding of the times in which we live, a heart for Israel and the Church, and an anointing and authority in speaking God's word.

Akin Smith: a powerful and prophetic voice in our generation

Our world is changing at an incredibly fast pace, with 24/7 news channels bringing us stories of civial and tribal unrest, natural disasters, man-made cruelty, immense changes to the political and religious landscape with power struggles at almost every level of society.


There's also a growing sense of immorality with more and more distance being placed between the people of God and His teachings in the Bible. Yet, at the same time, God is doing amazing things - with miracles happening across the world, and bringing new life to His people in the Church and in Israel.


Against this backdrop, Akin speaks about a whole series of global events that are colliding in one place in world history, including:


  • The USA's coalition with other nations to put pressure on Israel
  • The ongoing threat presented by a nuclear Iran, a turbulent Syria, and a North Korea that is growing in confidence and military boldness
  • The role of Russia and China as well as other national players affecting Israel, such as the UK, France and Germany
  • The crucial significance of the imminent series of "blood red moons"
  • The start of a new Biblical year with even celestial events coinciding with those on the world political stage

This is a talk not to be missed!

Multi Media

Shorashim's Jewish Roots TV


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