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Messianic Yeshiva
Jewish Roots TV
Jewish Roots Teaching
The Jewish Messiah
The Life of Yeshua from a Jewish Perspective
Understanding the Language of Yeshua
The "Hidden Messiah" in Judaism (Richard Harvey)
The Word Of God
Correcting Translation Errors
Torah Rediscovered
Unlocking The Bible Through The Hebrew Language
The 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)
The Hebrew Language
The Hebrew Aleph-Bet
Hebrew Word Studies
Learning Hebrew
Hebrew and Yiddish Glossary
Festivals, Fasts and Holy Days
Chanukah (The Feast of Dedication)
Pesach (Passover) - A Festival of Freedom
Pesach (Passover) - Tackling The Egyptian Pantheon
Shabbat, Why Bother?
The Glory of Shabbat (Canon Andrew White)
Shabbat Symbolism and Blessings
Shavuot (Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks)
Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles)
Teshuvah (A Time for Change)
Tisha B'av - The "Black Fast"
Tu B'Shevat (New Year for Trees)
Yom Kippur and the Messianic Believer
Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashannah
Israel, the Church and the Jewish People
The Common Wealth of Israel
The Holocaust - All Israel Will Be Saved (Simon Ponsonby)
The Kindertransport - Escaping the Holocaust
The "One New Man" (Garth Gilmour)
Reconciliation in the Middle East (Andrew White)
The Scandal of Israel (Simon Ponsonby)
Spiritual Revival in Israel (Shira Sorko-Ram)
The Bride of Messiah
The Church and Antisemitism
Other Studies
Understanding the Signs of the Times in 2014 (Akin Smith)
Wisdom, Revelation and Kingdom Power
Exciting Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology
Paul's Prayer for Revelation
The Power of Proclamation and Prayer (David Silver)
Radical Culture Required
The Shema and the Greatest Commandment
The Temple: Structure, Sacrifices and Prophecy
Book Reviews
A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat?
Praying Like The Jew, Jesus
Restoration: Returning the Torah of G-d to the Disciples of Jesus
King of the Jews
The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church
Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament
The Complete Jewish Bible
The Jewish New Testament
The Jewish New Testament Commentary
The Jewish Study Bible
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus Volumes 1-4
The Jewish Book of Why? and The Second Jewish Book of Why?
The Resurrection of Jesus - A Jewish Perspective
Words of Wisdom
Our Humanity
Israel and the Jewish People
The Church
Jewish Culture
Jewish and Israeli Recipes
Borsht Soup (Ukraine)
Challah Bread (Shabbat)
Cheesecake (New York)
Chicken Soup and Kneidlach
Chicken (Israeli 7-Spice)
Cholent (Slow-cooked Stew)
Eggs and Onions
Gefilte Fish
Hamentaschen (for Purim)
Ktitzot (Israeli Kebabs)
Latkes (Potato Pancakes)
Liver and Onions
Mama's Mushroom Stuffing
Matbucha (Cooked Salad)
Shorashim Event Dates
Shabbat Times and Torah Portions
Biblical and Jewish Holiday Dates
About Us
Why are we called "Shorashim"?
Our Core Beliefs
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Messianic Yeshiva
Words of Wisdom
Jewish Culture
About Us
Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"
Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"
Messianic Yeshiva
Jewish Roots TV
Jewish Roots Teaching
The Jewish Messiah
The Life of Yeshua from a Jewish Perspective
Understanding the Language of Yeshua
The "Hidden Messiah" in Judaism (Richard Harvey)
The Word Of God
Correcting Translation Errors
Torah Rediscovered
Unlocking The Bible Through The Hebrew Language
The 613 Mitzvot (Commandments)
The Hebrew Language
The Hebrew Aleph-Bet
Hebrew Word Studies
Learning Hebrew
Hebrew and Yiddish Glossary
Festivals, Fasts and Holy Days
Chanukah (The Feast of Dedication)
Pesach (Passover) - A Festival of Freedom
Pesach (Passover) - Tackling The Egyptian Pantheon
Shabbat, Why Bother?
The Glory of Shabbat (Canon Andrew White)
Shabbat Symbolism and Blessings
Shavuot (Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks)
Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles)
Teshuvah (A Time for Change)
Tisha B'av - The "Black Fast"
Tu B'Shevat (New Year for Trees)
Yom Kippur and the Messianic Believer
Yom Teruah and Rosh Hashannah
Israel, the Church and the Jewish People
The Common Wealth of Israel
The Holocaust - All Israel Will Be Saved (Simon Ponsonby)
The Kindertransport - Escaping the Holocaust
The "One New Man" (Garth Gilmour)
Reconciliation in the Middle East (Andrew White)
The Scandal of Israel (Simon Ponsonby)
Spiritual Revival in Israel (Shira Sorko-Ram)
The Bride of Messiah
The Church and Antisemitism
Other Studies
Understanding the Signs of the Times in 2014 (Akin Smith)
Wisdom, Revelation and Kingdom Power
Exciting Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology
Paul's Prayer for Revelation
The Power of Proclamation and Prayer (David Silver)
Radical Culture Required
The Shema and the Greatest Commandment
The Temple: Structure, Sacrifices and Prophecy
Book Reviews
A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Holy Cow! Does God Care About What We Eat?
Praying Like The Jew, Jesus
Restoration: Returning the Torah of G-d to the Disciples of Jesus
King of the Jews
The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church
Yeshua: The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament
The Complete Jewish Bible
The Jewish New Testament
The Jewish New Testament Commentary
The Jewish Study Bible
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus Volumes 1-4
The Jewish Book of Why? and The Second Jewish Book of Why?
The Resurrection of Jesus - A Jewish Perspective
Words of Wisdom
Our Humanity
Israel and the Jewish People
The Church
Jewish Culture
Jewish and Israeli Recipes
Borsht Soup (Ukraine)
Challah Bread (Shabbat)
Cheesecake (New York)
Chicken Soup and Kneidlach
Chicken (Israeli 7-Spice)
Cholent (Slow-cooked Stew)
Eggs and Onions
Gefilte Fish
Hamentaschen (for Purim)
Ktitzot (Israeli Kebabs)
Latkes (Potato Pancakes)
Liver and Onions
Mama's Mushroom Stuffing
Matbucha (Cooked Salad)
Shorashim Event Dates
Shabbat Times and Torah Portions
Biblical and Jewish Holiday Dates
About Us
Why are we called "Shorashim"?
Our Core Beliefs
eNews Updates
Useful Weblinks