Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"
Shorashim - Hebrew for "Roots"

Shabbat Symbolism and Blessings


Blessings around the Shabbat table

Shabbat (the Sabbath) is an essential part of modern living, yet it has fallen almost entirely off our agenda, and as a result we are suffering both as individuals, communities and even as nations.


Not for legalism, but for our blessing


Many would say that keeping Shabbat is legalistic, indeed it is at the heart of God's torah. It is important to remember, however, that:


  • The Shabbat Principle existed in the Creation Epic (Genesis 2:2)
  • It was observed and noted before Sinai (Exodus 16:23)
  • It is also at the heart of God's revelation of Himself in the 'Ten Commandments' (Exodus 20:11)


So, Shabbat was given to Israel, but also to the whole of creation!

Rest, don't work

The key issue is to make the Sabbath Day different from all others in the week. Don't do your normal work, but invest time in things you find relaxing and restful. Invest time with family and friends, and make sure you take time out with God too!

Let the Word of God guide you always

"Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, “These are the things the Lord has commanded you to do: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord.”"

~ Exodus 35: 1-2 


Take a look at our other teaching on Shabbat - Why Bother? here.

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