Torah has been misunderstood for many years - arguably for the whole of Church history. Most modern Christian Bible translations translate torah as 'law', to tie in with the accepted Christian default position that the 'law' is legalistic (burdensome laws), restrictive (whereas we live in the freedom of Christ), and out-dated (as we now live in the age of grace under the New Covenant.
This session will take a new, fresh look at the Torah - which is comprehensively recommended throughout scripture. See, for example, Psalm 119 (the longest chapter in the whole Bible) and Paul's statement in 2 Timothy 3:16 and 17:
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."
Bear in mind that the New Testament hadn't even been written when he said this.
So, what did Yeshua actually say about Torah? Did Paul requalify this in any way? Do gentiles need to keep Torah today? What is the point of the Torah of God today, for you?