This talk, given by Shira Sorko-Ram, gives an excellent overview of the history of the Jewish and Arab peoples in and around the Land of Israel. It includes an historical timeline of the Land, all couched within a thoroughly Biblical view of God's calling on both Jew and Arab.
Ari and Shira married in 1977, and have been ministering together since that time. Shira, born Carole Lindsay, is the daughter of the late Gordon Lindsay,
who, with his wife, Freda, founded The Voice of Healing in 1948, and Christ For The Nations Institute in 1970.
Shira has worked as a director and producer of documentary films. Dry Bones, her film on the prophetic significance of Israel's rebirth, is used around the world.
Shira has written for many publications concerning the Messianic Jewish movement and the Christians' part in Israel's spiritual resurrection. She writes a monthly newsletter, Maoz Israel Report,
giving the prophetic, political and spiritual perspective of current events in Israel.
As Messianic Jews, Ari and Shira direct the Maoz Israel ministry. For 10 years, they have pioneered a Messianic Jewish congregation in the Tel Aviv area and sponsored national conferences for
Israeli believers. Their main thrust is now evangelism – the full message of the Gospel – spiritual, emotional and physical salvation through Yeshua, the Messiah.
In addition, the Sorko-Rams' encourage and sponsor born-again Jews returning to the land of Israel. They help immigrants set up small businesses, help them in immigration, and have fought for
the civil rights of Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus) in the land of Israel.